Environmental Groups


Organization addressing the basic needs of communities in the Talamanca region through ecological sustainability and the development of community infrastructure.
Website: www.socialprofitnetwork.org/cs/anai.shtml

Asociación Corredor Biológico Talamanca Caribe (ACBTC)

Organization seeking to protect biodiversity in the Talamanca Biological Corridor.
Website: www.corredortalamanca.org/
Email: corrbio@racsa.co.cr
Tel: 2756-8136/8033, or 2253 8582/8606

Asociación de Lucha Antipetrolera en Costa Rica (ADELA)

Organization to inform and educate the Caribbean community and political sector about the risks that the petroleum activity has for the Caribbean and and Costa Rica.
Website: www.grupoadela.org/newsite/
Email: adela@grupoadela.org

Asociación Para El Desarrollo Estratégico Pro Ruta 142 y El Lago.

The Associatio for Strategic Development of Route 142 and The Arenal Lake (not official translation.)
Alvaro Alvarado Herrera (Executive Representative.)
Tel: 2694-4007, 2694-4511

Asociación de Amigos de la Naturaleza del Pacifico Central y Sur (ASANA)

Association of Friends of Nature of the Pacific Central and South.
Organization that aims to connect all the areas of forest between two main rivers of the region to create a natural biological corridor along which a whole variety of animal species can travel freely, helping increase species populations.
Website: www.asana.co.cr/
Email: info@ASANA.co.cr
Tel: 2787-0254

Association for the Conservation of the Mono Tití

Organization to help preserve the Mono Tití monkey, an endangered species endemic to the Quepos and Manuel Antonio area through reforestation to create a biological corridor along the Rio Naranjo. The idea is to help expand breeding grounds to increase the population.
Website: www.ascotmoti.com
Email: adrienne@cafemilagro.com

Cloudforest Alive

Website where you can learn about the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor.
Website: www.cloudforestalive.org

Fuentes Verdes Costa Rica

Organization with the goal of preserving the watershed of Lake Arenal.
Website: www.fuentesverdes.org/
Email: info@fuentesverdes.org
Tel/Fax: 2695-8597

Kids Saving the Rainforest

An organization run by youngsters to help care for injured and abandoned animals, parchase monkey bridges so they can avoid electrocution from power lines or being run over by cars. They also have a reforestation program and educational programs for children.
Website: www.kidssavingtherainforeset.org/
Tel: 2777-2592
Fax: 2777-1954

The Nature Conservatory

Working for the preservation of plants, animals and natural communities, with programs in the Caribbean side of Costa Rica.
Website: www.nature.org/

The Rainforest Alliance

An organization working to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods in several countries including Costa Rica.
Website: www.rainforest-alliance.org/
Email: info@ra.org

Rainsong Wildlife Sanctuary

An organization with the goal of creating a community wildlife refuge, provide information and assistance with reforestation in the area, operate a wildlife hospital and re-introduce endanged species to areas where they have become extinct in the past decades.
Website: www.rainsongsanctuary.com/
Email: rainsongsanctuary@gmail.com
Tel: 2844-4726

Tropical Science Center

The scientific research center at Monteverde Cloudforest Reserve
Website: www.cct.or.cr