You are here: Home E-Guide to Real Estate in Costa Rica Chapter 18 - Reference Section Common Business Terms

Common Business Terms

Abogado, Licenciado - Lawyer

Acciones - Stocks

Accionista - Stockholder, Shareholder

Activo - Asset

Agrimensor - Surveyor

Al contado - For cash

Anualidad - Annuity

Año Fiscal - Fiscal year

Autenticar - Notarize

Certificado de depósito - C.D.s.

Cheque - Check

Cláusula - Clause

Comprador - Buyer

Contrato - Contract

Costo - Cost

Cuenta - Bank account

Cuenta Corriente - Checking account

Déficit - In the red, deficit

Depreciación - Depreciation

Deuda - Debt

Divisas - Foreign exchange (hard currency)

El Justo Valor del Mercado - Fair market value

Embargar, Enganchar - Attach assets

En efectivo - Pay in cash

Escritura - Deed

Estado de Cuenta - Bank statement, statement

Facilidades de Pago - Payment plan

Fideicomiso - Trust

Fidecomisario - Trustee

Financiamiento - Financing

Gastos - Costs, expenses

Giro - Money order

Hipoteca - Mortgage

Impuestos - Taxes

Intereses - Interest

Impuestos Prediales - Property taxes

Inversiones - Investments

Lote - Lot

Montar, Poner un Negocio - Start a business

Negocios - Business

Notario - Notary

Pagaré - Promissory note

Plazo - Term, period of time

Precio - Price

Préstamo - Loan

Principal - Principal

Propiedad - Property

Registro - Record of ownership

Renta - Income

Rentabilidad - Profitability

Saldo - Balance of an account

Seguros - Insurance

Socio - Partner

Sociedad - Corporation

Subcontratar - To subcontract, farm out

Superávit - In the black, surplus of capital

Tasa de interés - Interest

Testaferro - Person who lends a name to a business

Terreno - Land

Traspaso - Transfer

Timbres Fiscales - Tax stamps

Valor - Value

Vendedor - Seller