
Like everywhere else in Costa Rica, crime in this area is on the rise, and you must always be on your guard. Development isn’t anywhere near the level of Northwestern Guanacaste, and crime rates are subsequently lower than there. However, petty theft is rampant in all the towns discussed in this section. Lately, residents have also been reporting a disturbing wave of violent break-ins. Tambor has less crime than the other two areas as there are fewer people living there for now.

The lack of gated communities and condominiums in Montezuma, Malpais and Santa Teresa so far means that people who plan on living there only part time need house sitters or a regular string of rentals to keep the place occupied. You can hire a security guard to keep watch as well.

If you are living there permanently, you should consider getting a guard dog, an alarm system, or both. See the chapter on crime for more advice.